Free vs. Paid for CRM

What am i missing out on with a Free vs. Paid for CRM. The answer is more involved than you may first appreciated.

CRM is one of few things which is available both free or alternatively you can pay £1,000s. So why select a purchased CRM over a free version. There are multiple factors to consider. Here are my thoughts on the Free vs. Paid for CRM debate.

  1. Free CRM solutions typically withhold core business critical functionality. This is mostly around key management information and reporting, which is required to make business decisions. If you want these features, you have to pay for the privilege. So the ‘free’ option is often simply a sales strategy and the charges can often be a migraine inspiring amount of money.
  2. On free platforms, the customer has no ownership of their data, in terms of where the information is stored or what security protocols are in place. Before embarking on a free CRM solution, ask yourself how important your customer and prospect data is, and what is the risk to your business if you lose ownership of that information.
  3. Time investment. Can you afford the necessary time and resources internally to setting up, import data, configuring, learn, train and adopting the CRM in your business. Research shows that companies that embark on this path have a high rate of failure to adopt CRM and often end up with a CRM solution that cannot fulfil business requirements.

At ProAptivity, we resell Maximizer CRM as a paid for solution. So let’s look at what value the cost has in terms of CRM implementation.

  1. Maximizer does not simply have ‘Partners’ we have fully ‘Certified Solution Providers’ who know and understand the product, how it can resolve pain points as well as fulfilling your business requirements.
  2. Consider which deployment option is best for your business. There are several options out there, on-premise, cloud, partner-hosted, web access, mobile access etc. It’s important you review the best deployment option and levels of access required
  3. Consider the value of the time saved and time gained within the business through the value contribution that a Certified Solution Providers brings to the CRM implementation process.

So, in answer to the question, Free vs. Paid for CRM, ‘Free’ does not mean ‘right for my business’ or ‘the best solution’ or ‘best value’.

Speak with ProAptivity, Northern Irelands only Maximizer ‘Certified Solution Providers’ specialize in the implementation of Maximizer CRM. Contact us today on 028 9073 5630 for your free consultation to un

Free vs. Paid for CRM – ProAptivity can help

A CRM system benefits an organisation through the visibility of its sales activities. This visibility is fundamental to managing sales performance and control of the sales process. This visibility enables management to understand why, when, who and how opportunities are being won, stalled, or being lost.  If it cannot be monitored, it cannot be managed. The visibility offered within the CRM system also allows management to make educated business decisions based on hard data. A CRM system will enable structured data to be used to access performance. This assessment should indicate which sales person is out performing others.

About ProAptivity

ProAptivity are an independent CRM solutions provider. We focus on the implementation, training, and support of highly customised CRM software solutions. Our CRM software supported by our sales training provide customers with the tools needed to deliver successful sales process management.

Fundamentally, we help organisations embed CRM best practice throughout their organisation. This helps organisations become more competitive, customer focused and ultimately more profitable.

If you need help in understanding why my business needs CRM, maybe some of our  eBooks could help! Alternatively visit Maximizer CRM for more information. Contact us today in Belfast on 028 9099 6388 or at our Bedford office on 01234 214004. Alternatively email us on Contact us today for a free CRM consultation that will assess if your business is CRM ready.

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